"I'd like to share my story with you all and hopefully, in turn, it will open up some people's hearts and minds to the incredible world of Adoption.

This all took place between 2004-2005 in the USA.

When I was just the young age of 16 I became pregnant. I was a baby myself... I didn't know the first thing about how to make a cup of tea let alone how to be a mum. I could have made the choice to abort, however personally I could never make that decision as I didn't feel like it was mine to make. Instead I made the choice of giving my child up for adoption. After going to an incredible Woman's Home called Mercy Ministries, I was able to choose the couple that I felt this overwhelming connection with, the couple that I knew in my heart were the right people. They are the most incredible couple in this world and still to this day remain the most amazing people I have ever met.

Kirsty, baby Parker, and Parker's adoptive parents.

Kirsty, baby Parker, and Parker's adoptive parents.

On July 13th 2005 I gave birth to Parker, my Biological Son. Ten days after he was born we had an incredible celebration to finalize the adoption. Our adoption isn't like most typical ones you hear of. Ours is fully open, which meant we are all able to fully keep in contact with one another (if Parker wanted to of course). The only downfall we had was that I moved back to U.K. So this left us living a million miles apart. Over the years we have FaceTimed and spoken here and there, but what came next was something extraordinary...

Sunday the 9th of July 2017, I met my son face to face. He had been asking for the past two years to meet his Birth Mom and Birth Family and it was actually happening. After 11 years, I was able to put my arms around him and show him that I love him. I wanted to show him that I did this for him, I wanted him to have a better life than I ever had. We spent an incredible 5 days together and we're able to get to know each other in the best way possible. Seeing him so happy and being raised in a way that I only dreamed of, made all the tears worth it.

Never in a million years would I regret the decision I made... I changed his life to make sure he got the things I would never have been able to provide. And I gave an incredible couple the chance to be a real family and have the love and happiness that they deserved.

The reason I want to share my story with you all is to try erase that stigma and stereotype people think of when they think of 'Adoption'. Adoption is a beautiful thing, and not only does it enable you to change your child's life, but it enables you to give others a beautiful gift that they may never be able to have.

So I urge you all to share this. Let's spread the love and magic that comes out of life. Children are incredible, and if you're a parent yourself, be proud, you're doing a brilliant job." - Kirsty

Parker and Kirsty

Parker and Kirsty

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